Kids-A-Part mission is to minimize trauma experienced by a child with a parent in prison.
Enhanced case coordination for mothers, children and caregivers:
- Collaboration with school social workers, DCF-FSD, therapists, Department of Corrections personnel, and other services providers in support of children and families.
- Facilitating appropriate communication and connections between children, caregivers and incarcerated parents
Parenting Program services at CRCF include the following:
- Individualized support for pregnant and parenting women
- Phone calls and video visits to children and caregivers
- Group and individual Mother and Child visits in a child centered space
- Therapeutic, educational, and activity groups
Community Case Management:
- Supporting children of incarcerated parents and their caregivers as they deal with the impact of parental incarceration.
- Problem solving and flexible support for caregivers regarding accessing resources, navigating the criminal justice system and talking to children about parental incarceration
- Provide consultation, training and information regarding the specific needs of this population to human service providers and others that may interact with children with a parent in prison.
Kids-A-Part can provide enhanced case management services, visitation assistance, and parent-child contact.*
*including mail and phone calls or visits in the child-friendly visiting space inside the correctional facility
For more information or to make a referral, please contact:

Jess Kell
(802) 859-3227
KAP Parenting Program Coordinator

Geena Zick
(802) 861-2561
KAP Community Case Manager