At Lund, we are proud to help families grow through adoption. Adopting an infant is a wonderful and enriching way to build your family.
We are committed to all members of the ‘adoption constellation’ throughout the adoption process. We support prospective adoptive parents from the very first step through legal finalization and beyond, and we offer the same level of support to birth families.
At Lund, we have many definitions of family, and are excited to help you build yours.
The Adoption Process
Although each family’s adoption experience is unique, below is what the process often looks like at Lund:
1. Informational Meeting
The first step in the process is to meet with us. Prior to this meeting, you’ll need to read our Informational Packet [link], which includes important information about Lund’s Adoption Program and outlines how to begin the adoption process.
Once you’ve read the Informational Packet, the next step is to request an Adoption Informational Meeting. Instructions can be found at the end of the Information packet. This meeting is required for all families interested in starting the adoption process with Lund. It will give you a chance to ask questions, share your adoption goals with us, and learn more about Lund’s Adoption Program.
2. Application & Homestudy Evaluation
The Homestudy Evaluation gives us a chance to get to learn more about you, your childhood, family, relationships, lifestyle, and home. This helps us ensure that a baby/child will be entering a safe, healthy, and loving home and family environment.
We will talk about what it would be like for a baby/child to join your family, and your ideas and philosophies about parenting. The Homestudy Evaluation includes an Application, Interviews, and Home Inspection.
3. Family Book
Each prospective adoptive family creates a Family Book to be shown to people considering adoption for their child.
4. Waiting Period
Once your Homestudy Evaluation is approved and your Family Book is completed, you will join our group of waiting families. Many families find the waiting period to be the most difficult part of the adoption process. Your adoption social worker at Lund is here to support you during this time.
5. Placement
Every placement is different, and every family’s placement experience will be unique. Lund facilitates adoptive placements in Vermont, and we also support homestudied families who are working with other adoption agencies outside of Vermont. Lund will support you through each step of your process.
Placement Fees through Lund are on a sliding scale based on income. Click here to download the Information Packet.
6. Post-Placement and Finalization
After a baby or child is placed with your family, the birthparents’ relinquishment or termination of parental rights has been certified, and the baby or child has been residing in your home for at least 6 months, your adoption can be legally finalized. During the post-placement period, you will receive post-placement visits from your adoption social worker, and we will be there to celebrate with you on your adoption finalization day! We also offer lifelong post-permanence support to all our adoptive families.
This is just a glimpse into Lund’s Adoption Program. If you are interested in building your family through adoption and would like more information, please call us at (802) 864-7467.