Happy New Year from everyone at Lund! As we look to 2017, we know that there will be challenges, struggles and many changes both locally and nationally. But we also know that there will be babies born, diplomas earned, months and years of sobriety celebrated and families formed through the joy of adoption.
Here are some things that our staff members are looking forward to in 2017:
I am looking forward to working with the new Governor Scott and his administration to understand the way Lund contributes to positive outcomes for Vermonters and participating in State Advisory Council Substance Use and Opiate Epidemic Task Force for Building Bright Futures.
Kim Coe, Director of Residential and Community Treatment
The Kids-A-Part mothers have been busy at work re-writing the Survival Guide that is shared with caregivers of Kids-A-Part families when mothers come into the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. Their first focus was on changing the name from Survival Guide to Caregiver’s Manual, sharing that the new title sounds less overwhelming, and more friendly. I look forward to celebrating with these hardworking mothers once we have completed this project.
Heidi Wener – Kids A Part Case Manager
I am looking forward to having our Heart Gallery up in 10 new locations around the state. I am hopeful that several of our Project Family children will find forever homes in 2017.
Wanda Audette, Director of Adoption
I am looking forward to reinvigorating the Green Team and engaging clients in this mission. As part of this mission, I am looking forward to working with Sophia, the new Events Coordinator, to make the Mother’s Day Ride and Walk for Children as waste-free as possible and likewise with the annual Adoption Picnic. However, the biggest part of this goal will be to work with operations to bring composting and more robust recycling happening throughout the agency. 2017 is going to be a great year!
Kathy Rossman, New Horizons Education Program teacher
I am looking forward to more staff training opportunities, a very functional Electronic Health Record/Database system, a new energy efficient HVAC system for the west wing of our Hoehl Family Building and greater opportunities for collaboration between departments.
Bob Robinson, Director of Operations
I am excited about adding another nurse to our medical team.
Jessilyn Dolan, RN
I am looking forward to start getting the data analysis from the survey that I am facilitating in the QIC project (http://qic-ag.org/) I am hopeful that this information will start to drive the DCF system response to adoptive an guardianship families in a way that is meaningful to the families we are serving in post-permanence. I am hopeful that this information will result in a more robust service delivery system for families who are parenting some of the most vulnerable children in the State of Vermont.
Christina Shuma, Site Implementation Manager for QIC-AG
I am looking forward to going into 2017 continuing to support families in becoming self sufficient through affordable housing at Independence Place as well expanding our multi-generation community development with our friends at the senior building across the street. These opportunities help to strengthen our community, as well as support our families in becoming good neighbors and giving them the experience of establishing a sense of community which will be very beneficial wherever they may move to after Independence Place. The next joint event will be an ice cream social and egg hunt on Thursday April 13th at 5:30!
Tammy Santamore, Learning Together Coordinator
We’ll keep you informed of these exciting events and programmatic updates as the year goes on. Everyone at Lund sends you our best wishes for a happy, healthy and fun new year!