Lund’s Residential Treatment Program currently has openings.
- To learn more or make a referral, email Residentialreferralteam@lundvt.org or call 802-864-7467.
- Not sure Residential Treatment is right for you? Contact us! We’re happy to walk you through your options and find the best fit for you.
When you’re a mom, your child’s safety and happiness are your top priorities.
However, when you are a mom struggling with substance use or mental health issues, balancing your treatment needs with your responsibilities as a parent can be hard.
Lund can help you find this balance at our residential treatment facility, where pregnant or parenting persons can live with their young children while the whole family participates in treatment. Lund operates the only residential facility in Vermont where parents and their children can live together while receiving residential care and treatment.
Our facility is located in Burlington, Vermont.
There is no age criteria for parents in the program, children living with their parents must be under age 6. We recognize that some parents needing our residential treatment program have older children and we will work with you to support ongoing contact and visitation.
Parents must be pregnant or parenting one eligible child in the program at least 51% of the time. Families in the program have a variety of custody arrangements, including co-parenting, working towards being reunified with a child, or having full custody.
Why Lund?
At Lund, we are focused on providing hope and removing barriers that may get in the way of engaging in needed treatment services. Lund’s residential treatment program makes it easier for parenting individuals to get the treatment they need while continuing to parent their children.
What is it like to live at Lund?
Pregnant or parenting persons and their children share bright, airy bedrooms at Lund’s residential treatment facility. They are situated in groups of three to six bedrooms with a shared living space, bathrooms, and laundry facilities. Families eat together in a communal dining room, and everyone participates in chores to strengthen daily living skills and actively participate as a member of the community.
The facility is staffed 24 hours a day so that parents can access therapeutic and parenting supports as needed. All parents in the program participate in individual and group parenting education and children receive developmental screening and support services as needed. The program also provides on-site medical support services and care coordination.
Transition and Aftercare
Families are supported in their transition from the program long before their intended departure dates through the work of our case managers, clinicians, family educators, medical team, and family engagement specialists. Our goal is that families leave our facility well connected to necessary resources in the community and their natural supports, with a stable and strong foundation in parenting and recovery. Lund’s Family Engagement Specialists also supports the family during the aftercare phase for up to a year post-discharge.
For more information about our residential treatment facility, please get in touch with us:
Phone: 802-864-7467