Thank you for your interest in supporting Lund!
We could not do all the critical work we do without the support of generous individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations who share our belief in strengthening families and protecting children.
Why give to Lund?
Donors give to Lund because they believe in the future of Vermont’s most vulnerable children. They know that the children at Lund today are the valued community members of tomorrow, and they deserve the best possible start. Our donors understand that one of the best ways to help children is to help their parents, and they believe in the way that Lund lifts parents up to be the best they can be for their children. Please join them in making a real difference!
Your gift to Lund will directly support Lund’s programs and services that help children thrive.
Types of Donations
Monetary Gifts
Monetary gifts are a great way to show your support for Lund. These donations help provide valuable services and resources as needs arise. Cash contributions are certainly the easiest method of giving. You may make an immediate gift, or pledge an amount to be paid over a period of time.
Click here to send your donation today »
Recurring Monetary Gifts
You can increase the impact of your gift by making an easy and secure monthly or bi-monthly donation. It’s a convenient, wallet-friendly way to give throughout the year.
Click here to set up your recurring monetary gift today »
Corporate Giving
At Lund, we understand the important role of corporations in supporting Vermont families. We gratefully acknowledge them, because, without their kindness and generosity, we could not deliver life-changing programs for vulnerable children and parents.
As Corporate Social Responsibility continues to grow among businesses of all sizes, it is our desire to welcome new companies with a shared wish to help children and parents. Several businesses have stepped up to support our parent-child and adoption programs. We want to give them our heartfelt thanks for enabling us to continue protecting at-risk children and for building and strengthening Vermont families.
To learn more about Corporate Giving, contact Sharon Lifschutz at sharonl@lundvt.org
Gifts of Stocks, Mutual Funds and Bonds
Many donors find that donating stocks, mutual funds or bonds is a way to make a more generous and advantageous gift that may not have been possible otherwise. These gifts are tax deductible at full fair market value at the time of the gift; they incur no capital gains tax, to the extent of the law. The process is very easy.
For information on making a gift of stock, please click here.
In-Kind Donations
Lund accepts in-kind donations for our programs. Items must be new, see our current list of needs here. Please call ahead at 802.864.7467 to arrange a drop-off date and time.
How to Donate
The easiest way to make a donation to Lund is by visiting our Donation Page.