We have always known that the teachers at New Horizons Education Program and Lund’s Early Childhood Education Program are dedicated, compassionate, inventive, and hard working individuals. But during this time when the school buildings have been closed and the programs have shifted in ways we could not have predicted six months ago, they have proved this 1000 times over.
While the schools buildings are closed, Lund’s teachers are staying connected to their students through phone calls, zoom calls, google classrooms, text messages, physically distant drop offs of essential supplies, advocacy with needed resources and so much more. Teachers at Lund are more than teachers. They are case managers, parent educators, counselors, parenting coaches, and more. They are always doing what is necessary to ensure that the students in their care are safe, healthy and growing towards their personal and academic goals.
Today is Teacher Appreciation Day. We appreciate our teachers today and every day. Thank you to the teachers at Lund for everything you do for our students and their families. You are amazing and we are are so grateful for everything you do.